Wednesday, April 11, 2007

A Note on Grindhouse

Be sure to see Grindhouse this week if you want the intended experience. The film has been loosing a lot of money -- the running time is a turn off and the Village Voice ran an article about how it was badly marketed, not released to actual grindhouse theaters and grindhouse festivals if you can believe it. So it looks like it may be split into two films (which will cost you twice as much to see) and god knows what happens to the trailers; the DVD might also be split like this, so now may be your only chance. I give Grindhouse a B (because Tarantino's intentionally frustrating but brilliant pacing is hard to take after sitting down for so long before his film starts), "Planet Terror" a B, and Tarantino's "Death Proof" an A. I would not see Grindhouse twice, but will be first in line to buy "Death Proof" however it is packaged and watch it again and again. God bless Quentin Tarantino and everything he stands for. And ya gotta love both these guys and the Grindhouse film for just being nuts.


  1. i really liked grindhouse.
    and will be calling to talk about tarantino and buffy...

  2. Oh, whoops, I should have read this before I commented about the possible split on your review.
