Monday, September 24, 2007

This Is My 400th Post

And that's a lot of posts.


  1. Zounds!

    I think I'm at 49. And I'm finally getting back into the habit of updating, so 50's going up today or tomorrow, I think. (What with taking a course, doing a massive amount of reading this fall, and TAing two classes, I had let my blogging slide since late August.)

  2. When no one was looking, Geoff Klock made fourhundred posts. He made 400 posts.
    That is as many as four hundreds.
    And that's terrible.

  3. Congratulations!

    Here's to the next 400!

    Myself, I've done something like 361... but then, I've been doing it twice as long as you have. Ah well.


  4. Hah. Sorry, I was afraid that reference was a little obscure.
    (Sorry again for the horrible YtMND link.)

  5. Love the blog and also your book! I discovered you when you guest starred on the Comic Geek Speak podcast. I have one request. I recently purchased the Filth tp. I would love to read your thoughts/analysis. Keep up the good work and congrats on your long running blog.


  6. Christian -- that site wont load properly, but is it some kind of superhero counting primer for kids?

    Anon: I thought about the Filth. The thing is I am trying to get away from Morrison a bit. But thanks for the kind words

  7. Congrats Doc Klock! You're my favorite innernerd blog person.

  8. congrats, babe! Sorry I haven't checked up on you in awhile, but y'know, I'm sort of living in my brooklyn studio now...
