Saturday, July 19, 2008

"Graduation" Pics

I got my D. Phil a year ago, but never did the ceremony. I did buy the fancy Harry Potter robes and just recently went to a park with my parents to take some fake graduation photos, photos that are a loose approximation of photos my parents would have taken if I had done the ceremony. There are two tells that this is not graduation in England: there are no other people in robes, and it is not pouring. That is Sara on the left in the second pic.


  1. Congrats!

    Also, with a bit of modification, it seems like you've already got a super villain costume primed and ready for when you go rogue in real life, Doktor Kkklock.

  2. All you need is a tall pointy crown ala Sauron from Lord of the Rings and your attire will be complete, herr Dockkktor!

    Congratz to you, Geoff.

  3. you seriously have to let me take some docktor klock photos of you!!!!
    they would look so awesome!!
    you can post them here &
    on the top of your resume...
    oh wait, you don't really need that anymore...
    ok, on your cv, back of book, promo materials...
