Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Free Form Comments

Say whatever you want to in the comments to this post -- random, off topic thoughts, ideas, suggestions, questions, recommendations, criticisms (which can be anonymous), surveys, introductions if you have never commented before, personal news, self-promotion, requests to be added to the blog roll and so on. If a week goes by and I have failed to add you to the blog roll TELL ME TO DO IT AGAIN, and KEEP TELLING ME UNTIL IT GETS DONE. I can be lazy about updating the non-post parts of this site. Remember these comments can be directed at all the readers, not just me.

ALSO. You can use this space to re-ask me questions you asked me before that I failed to answer because I was too busy (but now might not be). That is often the reason I fail to get back to people, and on a blog, after a few days, the comments thread dies and I just kind of forget about it. Let's use this space to fix that, because it does need to be fixed; I look like a jackass sometimes, leaving people hanging. I will TRY to respond to any questions here.

AND you can use this space to comment on posts that are old enough that no one is reading the comments threads anymore. For example, if you thought of a great quote for the great quote commonplace book, but now no one is reading that, you could put it here.You do not have to have a blogger account or gmail account to post a comment -- you can write a comment, write your name at the bottom of your comment like an e mail, and then post using the "anonymous" option.

WRITING FOR THIS BLOG. If you think your free form comment here might be better as its own post, but you do not want it to be public yet, email it to me. My email address is available on my blogger profile page. If I think it will work on this site, your post will be published here with your name in the title of the post. You can propose what you will, I am always looking for reviews of games, tv, movies, music and books.

If you think what you have to say -- new topic or comment on an existing topic -- would be better to hear than to read, use the CALL ME button on the toolbar on the right.


  1. I meant to say in the relevant Comics Out post, but last week's "Amazing Spider-Man Extra" special/one-shot/thing had a Chris Bachalo story in it. Also Marcos Martin, who is great.

  2. Geoff, have you made any posts about Final Crisis? I know you're a big Morrison fan, but I don't recall seeing posts about the issues from you.

  3. James -- Thanks! I missed that one.

    Kenny -- I discussed the first to issue of Final Crisis in the relevant "Comics Out"posts and will discuss the third -- and link back to the other two -- friday.

  4. Geoff: Have you had a chance to watch the last volume of Avatar?

    Jason: Still reading GeNext?

  5. J.Liang -- I am! (Is the fourth issue out yet?)

  6. How old do you thing the average comic reader is these days? The reason I ask is that as well as recent comic book movies going for an older audience (Dark Knight, X2) a lot of popular books these days seem to skew to an older crowd (Y: The Last Man, Walking Dead) and also, how are kids supposed to deal with the continuity overload presented by the summer events (Final Crisis)?

  7. No one under the age of 13 has read a comic book since 1979.

  8. The latest episodes of MVP's Making of Devil Comes Down focus on our music sessions from last weekend as we work to finalize our score.

    Since there are so many music lovers that read Geoff's blog, I thought some of you might enjoy these.

  9. Jason: According to Marvel, GeNext #4 is scheduled to come out next Wednesday. Also, I just saw that Claremont is reviving Lobdell's Big Hero Six. Any interest?

  10. J.Liang, yes! I'm always pleased when I hear about Claremont writing something that ISN'T an X title. Assuming I am still able to afford new comics in the next couple months, I will definitely pick up BH6.
