Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Free Form Comments

Say whatever you want to in the comments to this post -- random, off topic thoughts, ideas, suggestions, questions, recommendations, criticisms (which can be anonymous), surveys, introductions if you have never commented before, personal news, self-promotion, requests to be added to the blog roll and so on. If a week goes by and I have failed to add you to the blog roll TELL ME TO DO IT AGAIN, and KEEP TELLING ME UNTIL IT GETS DONE. I can be lazy about updating the non-post parts of this site. Remember these comments can be directed at all the readers, not just me.

ALSO. You can use this space to re-ask me questions you asked me before that I failed to answer because I was too busy (but now might not be). That is often the reason I fail to get back to people, and on a blog, after a few days, the comments thread dies and I just kind of forget about it. Let's use this space to fix that, because it does need to be fixed; I look like a jackass sometimes, leaving people hanging. I will TRY to respond to any questions here.

AND you can use this space to comment on posts that are old enough that no one is reading the comments threads anymore. For example, if you thought of a great quote for the great quote commonplace book, but now no one is reading that, you could put it here.You do not have to have a blogger account or gmail account to post a comment -- you can write a comment, write your name at the bottom of your comment like an e mail, and then post using the "anonymous" option.

WRITING FOR THIS BLOG. If you think your free form comment here might be better as its own post, but you do not want it to be public yet, email it to me. My email address is available on my blogger profile page. If I think it will work on this site, your post will be published here with your name in the title of the post. You can propose what you will, I am always looking for reviews of games, tv, movies, music and books.

If you think what you have to say -- new topic or comment on an existing topic -- would be better to hear than to read, use the CALL ME button on the toolbar on the right.


  1. I am on Uncanny 215. Betsy Braddock and Longshot just showed up, obviously already introduced in other books (New Mutants, something else?).

  2. Longshot debuts in Annual 10, which is, I think, also when Psylocke joins the team. It's also chronologically prior to 214.

  3. Betsy arrives at the mansion in New Mutants Annual #2 -- one of my favorite Claremont/Davis collaborations.

  4. My friend Shannon recently sent me this e-mail with her analysis of summer blockbusters through chocolate:

    "I liked Indy when I first saw it, and either did notice or didn't care about the flaws. I liked Batman too. They both were pretty much what I was expecting when I saw them. I just liked indy on a not too much thought way. If indy is a yummy chocolate bar... then batman is that really rich indugent chocolate cake. If I had been expecting the cake and got the chocolate bar I would have been dissapointed. I might have been disappointed had someone given me the cake even when I was expecting the chocolate bar depending on how much I really wanted the chocolate bar. :) But it's unlikely.

    Hancock also confused me. I went in expecting a chocolate bar with like cyanne pepper in it. And I got that for the first half.. and the second half suddenly turned into soup. it was very perplexing. "

    Fun Fact about Shannon: She thought she recognized the guy with the bomb in his stomach in The Dark Knight so she stayed for the credits... and it turns out it was the guy she went to her junior prom with.

  5. And Longshot's previous incarnation prior to X-Men Annual #10 was in the Longshot miniseries by Ann Nocenti and Art Adams (six issues, published in 1985). (Geoff, I think I covered all this in one of my reviews -- probably the review of X-Men Annual #10, I'd guess ...)

  6. i just met olivia thirlby (thirby?) -- the best friend from "Juno" and the love interest in "The Wackness," and her really hot boyfriend who looks like my ex.

    i meet and know famous people, but i am not one of them myself. le sigh.

  7. re. Golden Girls... A few months back, I was discussing with one of my supervisors how GG is the textual precursor to Sex and the City. With GG, SATC would never and could never have come about. They are essentially the same show, with the same archetypes played out in an updated and less-restrictive dialogue.

    My favourite part of Bea Arthur's appearance on Malcolm was her and Dewey dancing around the kitchen singing Abba's Fernando.

  8. That should have read 'without GG, SATC would never...'

  9. Streebo,

    Going to see Clone Wars this weekend?

  10. Jason,

    I just picked up that two disc Kinks collection you reccomended a while back... surprisingly I really like a lot of the late stuff... particularly the disco-Kinks of "(I wish I could Fly Like)Superman"

  11. Scott, no kidding? I'm not a fan of most of that era, although I do love a smattering of the 1980s output ... A friend of mine is a big fan of late-era Kinks. She spent many a mixtape trying to convert me ...

  12. Jason,

    Well, of course, my favorite stuff is the early power pop stuff... I'm not as into the quirky british stuff... apart from "Dedicated Follower of Fashion", "Well Respected Man" and "Lola" that is.

  13. Scott91777: I am falling behind on my Star Wars geekdom. I'm so worn out from working on my own projects that I am probably going to stay home and sleep all weekend to recuperate.

    Believe it or not - but I am disappointed that they chose to redo the Clone Wars for this animated series instead of doing something after the Fall of the Empire. I thought the Clone Wars series by the creators of Samurai Jack was fantastic. I don't see the need to revisit the same setting.
