Saturday, August 02, 2008

Missing How to Read Superhero Comics and Why Pages

I know there were copies of my first book that ran with a printing error in which a dozen pages were blank. I have gotten two emails about it, and in the past just photocopied and mailed the pages to folks who contacted me. I got another one this week and realized -- scanner! So here are the missing pages, if you have a copy with missing pages. I assume regular readers would have mentioned this before, but I want to keep this page on the blog so I can easily link to it, if someone does go looking for it. Click the thumbnails for larger, readable versions.


  1. By the way, thanks for doing this. The book makes a lot more sense now! Plus the scans are almost exactly the right size for cutting out and taping into the book!


  2. can i have free download link for this book?....i need it for my thesis..i couldn,t find it in indonesia......ty..
