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ALSO. You can use this space to re-ask me questions you asked me before that I failed to answer because I was too busy (but now might not be). That is often the reason I fail to get back to people, and on a blog, after a few days, the comments thread dies and I just kind of forget about it. Let's use this space to fix that, because it does need to be fixed; I look like a jackass sometimes, leaving people hanging. I will TRY to respond to any questions here.
AND you can use this space to comment on posts that are old enough that no one is reading the comments threads anymore. For example, if you thought of a great quote for the great quote commonplace book, but now no one is reading that, you could put it here.You do not have to have a blogger account or gmail account to post a comment -- you can write a comment, write your name at the bottom of your comment like an e mail, and then post using the "anonymous" option.
WRITING FOR THIS BLOG. If you think your free form comment here might be better as its own post, but you do not want it to be public yet, email it to me. My email address is available on my blogger profile page. If I think it will work on this site, your post will be published here with your name in the title of the post. You can propose what you will, I am always looking for reviews of games, tv, movies, music and books.
I can't figure out if this was actually written by Sorkin or not, but I liked it anyway.
ReplyDeleteYou know, a couple of weeks ago in light of the AS Batman misprinting, Geoff wondered if the artist first draws Superman without his clothes... I was flipping through a copy of The Art Of Sin City yesterday and, funnily enough, Frank Miller does, in fact, draw his women naked under their clothes in the rough sketches. I guess he just 'loves the boobie' as Conan O'Brian might say.
ReplyDeleteI vaguely recall someone linking to a site where people were asked to explain why Watchmen was a good comic book, and there being some clever responses - maybe some that were even copied and posted here. Can someone direct me to that discussion?
ReplyDeleteNeil - that sounds familiar - was it Geoff's post on The Wire/Venture Bros/Fight Club?
I posted the link to Tom Spurgeon's blog post on Watchmen in the comments:
I've read the "Leo Quintum is a time-travelling Luthor" theory elsewhere, but the most convincing argument for it is here (found via Matt Fraction's twitter). Be sure to read the comments.
ReplyDeleteOh, and possibly only ping33 (if he!) will care, but there's a teaser trailer for an expansion to the Halo 3 campaign. Woo!
ReplyDeleteThe Leo Quintum is Luthor link that James posted is a must-read - the comments, too!