Sunday, December 07, 2008

Sinupret Commercial

by Sara

This is the most disturbing commercial I have ever seen. What is wrong with these people?


  1. Surely, any of those herpes medicine commercials that involve romping through fields are far more disturbing...

  2. It is a pretty creepy-ass commercial though.

  3. VoE - dont they strike you as insane pod people?

  4. Oh, yeah, it's quite weird.

    1) The "I love you more", "No, I love you more" dialogue. Who talks like that?

    2) I love you because I got you product "x". Yeah, great way to show your love. Don't provide a listening ear, comfort, support, love, or anything like that. Just whip out a random product while you're lying in a field! What the heck?

    3) They apparently lie in that field and talk about product x for YEARS ON END. What, do they eat stray animals and dandelions to stay alive? Why can't they move? So many questions...

  5. This reminds me of every fake commercial in any dystopian Sci-Fi movie/show I've ever seen.

  6. ACK!

    Notice the father is not pictured, because they ATE HIM.

  7. I.Love.You.Mommy

    nothing is more fantastically stilted or creepy than european commercials dubbed for american audiences, but this one takes the cake, cos they BARELY move (what's with the daisy the snow too??) and their bodies and faces barely move. how does this sell me "organic children's sinus medication?" They both drank the kool-aide and are just waiting for it to do it's thing.

  8. Nothing is dumber than American commercials dubbed for ENGLISH audiences. Oh thank God you replaced the impenetrable colonial patois that makes up 60% of British programming anyway.

    They used to dub Andie McDowell! And I don't think it was a reference to Greystoke! C'mon, advertisers: I have seen that woman. I know she is not English.

  9. If you really loved me, you would buy me Sinupret.

    It's safe.

    Did we mention it's safe? Because it's safe.

  10. What scares me is the lack of a life you all have.
