Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Blackmail Scene from Dark Knight

This is such a great scene -- not only for the Dark Knight but for the whole Batman canon -- because it explains why all those people over the years who must have guessed that Batman was Bruce Wayne never did anything with the knowledge.


  1. It's those little details that make 'Batman Begins' and 'The Dark Knight' two of the most intelligently-written movies of all time.

    Right behind 'Transformers.'

  2. ... The last part was a joke, right?

  3. weren't we just talking about this on sat?

  4. BA -- what. Im not allowed to say something at a bar and then say it again on the blog?

  5. Geoff-ster, that link isn't working for me, I'm afraid.

  6. That dude's supposed to be the Riddler right? Mister Reese = "mysteries," right? Also, no normal accountant would wear a purple tie.

  7. Doc Klock, you most certainly are...I had just not really been sure if we did talk about it, or if I was having nasty deja vu.

  8. Actually, Triumph, the mob bank manager who was killed was named Edward Nigma, the Riddler's real name. I think.
