Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Free Form Comments

Say whatever you want to in the comments to this post -- random, off topic thoughts, ideas, suggestions, questions, recommendations, criticisms (which can be anonymous), surveys, introductions if you have never commented before, personal news, self-promotion, requests to be added to the blog roll and so on. If I forget, remind me. Remember these comments can be directed at all the readers, not just me.

ALSO. You can use this space to re-ask me questions you asked me before that I failed to answer because I was too busy.

AND you can use this space to comment on posts that are old enough that no one is reading the comments threads anymore.

You do not have to have a blogger account or gmail account to post a comment -- you can write a comment, write your name at the bottom of your comment like an e mail, and then post using the "anonymous" option.

WRITING FOR THIS BLOG. If I see a big free form comment that deserves more attention, I will pull it and make it its own post, with a label on the post and on the sidebar that will always link to all the posts you write for this blog. I am always looking for reviews of games, tv, movies, music and books.


  1. Warner Bros. backup plan in case Nolan passes on a third Batman film: Zack Snyder. I think he could make an interesting Batman movie...but it wouldn't be the same as Nolan's. I don't mean it would be "worse"...just different.

  2. Next stop: an inept-but-slavish recreation of Dark Knight Returns on film? With CG backgrounds! And slow! Mo! Tion!

  3. Has everyone here read Scott Pilgrim? Because if you haven't, then I can't be seen with you anymore.

    It is just so fantastic.

  4. just because watching dogville wasn't the painful experience i was dreading does not mean i will watch it again today in class. merely 3.5 hours after finishing the thing, my class - in which we were just supposed to discuss the film and watch certain scenes - decided to watch it again. I decided to leave. Dancer in the Dark it wasn't, but I felt, ultimately, it was rather pointless.

    We already had Spaulding Gray and Seinfeld, I don't need lars von trier adding his pretentious voice to the fray.

  5. I'm a week behind on Lost, but last week's episode (episode 6, which was universally hailed as "finally this season gets its groove") was probably my least favourite so far! Oh, why must I be a Lost Season 5 contrarian?

    It was fine, really, and all the structural rejigging Geoff highlighted was very good (especially good call on Ben as Locke, mysterious new guy as Sayid, and I bet you're dead-on about Kate). But in a season heavy on the exposition, this one took the biscuit, with waaaay too much time spent with the campy old lady hammily explaining stuff in a (yes, very pretty) room.

    "Who cares" was line of the episode.

  6. I suppose I should mention that it's not complete as yet - but there ya go.

  7. I dunno about Zack Snyder for a Batman movie. I don't love all of Nolan's fast and blurry action exactly, but Snyder's style is showier, which is different than the tone people seem to like.

    But I think the writers matter most, since it'd be the first thing Snyder isn't faithfully/slavishly adapting.

  8. We've all seen what happens when you have a brighter, flashier batman....batnipples.

  9. Why did Jason skip the 1984 X-Men/Micronauts crossover? I think it might be the most stereotypically Claremont thing the man ever wrote - it features not one, but two body swap plotlines, one of which is reproduced identically, beat-for-beat, as the Cassandra Nova plot in "E for Extinction", the X-Men fighting doppelgängers dressed as the original team, and maybe the most explicitly rape-tastic scene I have ever witnessed in a CCA approved comic. Not to mention the hilarious pastiche of Star Wars and Fourth World characters (The Big Bad's minion is named Desaad^H^H^H^Hgrayde!). Who am I going to talk to about this stuff, if not you guys?

  10. Arcus, I skipped it because my understanding has always been that it was more Bill Mantlo's series than Claremont's.

    Also, as far as I know, the miniseries has never been referenced in another Claremont X-Men comic (which only added to my assumption -- and I don't know where I first came to this conclusion) that Claremont only served as consultant and that it was really Mantlo's thing.

    But, well -- sh*t, if it really does mirror "E for Extinction" as precisely as you suggest, I guess I gotta hunt this motherf*cker down.

    (I apparently get more vulgar the longer I've been awake ...)

    Thanks, Arcus, and I'm sorry that you will not find any decent "X-Men/Micronauts" discourse here, at least not from me, not till I get my hands on a copy ...
