Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Tarantino's Inglorious Basterds Trailer



  1. That Quentin sure is subtle - like a flying hammer.

  2. I don't know... I was hoping Kill Bill but the trailer feels Deathproof.

  3. Basterds? It's Son of Rambow all over again.

  4. Why is it mispelled? Is this some sort of MPAA rule?

  5. Oh wait, it's "Inglourious" too? I guess they're trying to mitigate the backing off of "Bastards" with a double-misspell... I dunno, I'd still rather have swears.

  6. It also seems Tarantino might be playing with a rule that the Indiana Jones movies taught us all: No one minds if you do horrible things to Nazis.

  7. This is Tarantino's remake of one of his favorite Italian war films. I have never seen the original - but I might have to track it down now that his version is on the horizon.

  8. So it's like the last Rambo movie where he saves Burma, except self-aware? There's still a chance it could be more Kill Bill than Death Proof.

  9. Brad,

    "I don't know... I was hoping Kill Bill but the trailer feels Deathproof."

    Thanks to Geoff and my friend Zac, I'm not so sure that's a bad thing anymore...


    The only Tarantino movie I have never scene is Jackie Brown... What's your take? Worth Watching?

  10. Deathproof sucks... But... I've watched the trailer about 50 more times, and it's totally grown on me. "And I want my scalps" is giving me a boner every time I hear it now.

  11. Jackie Brown is awesome, but the Tarantino Gimmicks are not there -- just go in expecting a well told story and it will deliver.

    Deathproof does suck, I have come to feel -- except the car chase sequence is surely one of the best ever, and I do love a good car chase.

  12. I loved all of the slasher elements of Deathproof - right up until the first crash. After that - the film becomes rather boring as it leaves slasher territory. The ending chase redeems the film - but I would have like a touch more carnage at the end. What was the point of having three girls in the chase at the end if at least one of them couldn't have been offered up as a proper sacrifice to the Gods of cinematic carnage?

  13. I defend deathproof- it just can not withstand multiple viewings. Maybe I'm letting Tarantino define his own terms too much, but I feel like it's not supposed to be watched repeatedly. It's more an movie about an opinion about a genre than a movie in a genre, and since I thought it was such a delicious opinion I don't mind that I don't want to hear him defend it over and over.
