Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Onion: Franz Kafka International Airport

Prague's Franz Kafka International Named World's Most Alienating Airport

Most of the time using a literary figure for parody often works through the juxtaposition of things that do not go together -- like Franz Kafka the Musical in Home Movies, or the joke about Dostoevsky at the end of the clip. This is absolutely brilliant because it is only barely more aggravating than an actual airport is. The point here is not that these things would be funny together, but that Kafka was RIGHT ABOUT EVERYTHING.


  1. In terms of sheer joke-density, this blows "Airplane!" out of the water.

  2. I'm a sucker for all things Kafka and Kafkaesque, so this pleases me greatly.

    Thinking about rereading The Castle now.

  3. Please stop tarnishing Prague and the Czech people with your insulting of Franza Kafka Int. Airport. Furthermore, from the day before today, the proper abbreviation of "Int." will be/has been used when referring to Franz Kafka Int. Airport.

    People come to Prague, thinking they can simply ignore protocol, procedure and practices (PPP). These people's practices are the problem. In fact, the General Board of Statisticians and Academics for Government Efficiency, rated Franz Kafka Int. most highly among all airports in the world*. FKInt. suffers however from the worst quality of visitors world wide. thus the bad reputation. Increasing the quality of those peoples who elect to visit FKInt. is first on our agenda to achieve measurable improvements in customer service over the next 465.4 work days. We are also adding an Office of Bureaucratic Efficiency which will, without exception, interview everyone passing through FKInt. This will insure everyone's experience was satisfactory.

    [i]* For a copy of the General Board of Statisticians and Academics for Government Efficiency report, please fill out form I385 and attach the first page of the report you wish to have a full copy of (this is standard & proper procedure). Failure to include the first page of the report you desire in full will result in receipt of a randomly selected text.[/i]
