Friday, August 22, 2008

Comics Out Aug 20, 2008

My comic shop AGAIN had some kind of shipping problem (which they said effected the whole northeast -- true?). But review, discuss, and recommend this week's comics, and comics news.


Marc Caputo said...

Yeah, my LCS was missing some stuff on Wednesday and they got it yesterday. My friend gets his stuff on LI and they had it even worse.

Anonymous said...

I haven't been to the shop yet, but
Tales Designed to Thrizzle #4 was meant to ship this week.

I love Tales Designed to Thrizzle. It is funny. You should get it.

Christian O. said...

Sadly not an uncommon thing. Diamond is honestly a terrible distributor.

frank said...

According to my guy, Phil, "U.P.S. fucked up."

Geoff Klock said...

those were the exact words used by my comic book store

Streeborama said...

I just found a video from the Heroes Con with Matt Fraction and Kelly Sue in the panel on "creative households." Check it out.