Friday, August 24, 2007

Free Form Comments

Say whatever you want to in the comments to this post -- random, off topic thoughts, ideas, suggestions, questions, recommendations, criticisms (which can be anonymous), surveys, introductions if you have never commented before, personal news, self-promotion, requests to be added to the blog roll and so on. If a week goes by and I have failed to add you to the blog roll TELL ME TO DO IT AGAIN, and KEEP TELLING ME UNTIL IT GETS DONE. I can be lazy about updating the non-post parts of this site.

ALSO. You can use this space to re-ask me questions you asked me before that I failed to answer because I was too busy (but now might not be). That is often the reason I fail to get back to people, and on a blog, after a few days, the comments thread dies and I just kind of forget about it. Let's use this space to fix that, because it does need to be fixed; I look like a jackass sometimes, leaving people hanging. I will TRY to respond to any questions here.

AND you can use this space to comment on posts that are old enough that no one is reading the comments threads anymore. For example, if you thought of a great quote for the great quote commonplace book, but now no one is reading that, you could put it here.


Eric (APredator) Bloxsom said...

Couldn't think of anything good to post so i leave you with a pointless link.

Christian O. said...

BioShock is fucking awesome. The story is great, the art is fantastic, the gameplay is a lot of fun and there's almost nothing bad I can say about it, other than other people have experience a glitch or two. If you're into FPS games you should give it a go. If you're into Objectivism and morally complex choices you should try it. If you like Underwater Cities and the Mad Scientists Who Build Them, you should play it. If you like AWESOME, get it. It has Mutants in Diving Suits with Drills and Who Can Be Set On Fire. BioShock!

It is, as the kids say, tons of fun. (God I sound like a Google advert. I'm not! I like Casanova! Though I still haven't received my copy of #8. Which makes me a sad panda.)

Kenney said...

Geoff, you've said on different occasions that Casanova is your favorite comic ever.

What was your favorite comic before Casanova?

Anonymous said...

Geoff, did you listen to my tunes? I'd love to hear your opinion. I know you don't do a lot of song reviews, but you have done one on this blog.

Won't you make it two? Please?

Geoff Klock said...

Eric and Christian -- thanks.

Kenny: Grant Morrison and Ed McGuinness's JLA: Classified 1-3, which will be collected very soon if you do not already have it.

Jason Powell: I have this bad habit of not following links. I do not know why that is. It is like a weird inertia. Keep reminding me. But I hate to write abotu music because I am BAD at it. That is why the only discussion of a song was just about the lyrics and I heard that song like every day for a year before I wrote about it.

Anonymous said...

Just listen to the one about Freud's theory of psycho-sexual development. I want to know if my lyrics are as clever as Hugh Laurie's. :)

Oh, and P.S. I realize in the cold light of the following day that in defending Supreme I think I badly misinterpreted (or at the very least conflated two entirely separate sections) of your book. Sorry 'bout that ...

Le Ted said...

Geoff - do you like me? I like you. I do!

Anonymous said...

RE: Bio Shock-- My friend worked as a tester on it and said it will be the Citizen Kane of video games.

Re: Morrison's Batman, below in the Comic this Week Post.

Seriously guys, Morrison's Batman sucks. I liked the first few issues, but now he's clearly using this title to pay the bills.

The bottom line is that you only read the book for two reasons--

1. You like Batman

2. You like Morrison (there isn't a consistent artists, so that can't be it).

In both cases, there are much better Batman stories out there--Jesus, even No Man's Land is better-- AND there are much better Morrison stories. Why else would you read it? Do you want to see Batman and Morrison die together in a blaze of mediocrity?

Kudos to you Geoff for not being a Morrison apologist.

Anonymous said...

With Morrison's Batman, people seem to either love it or hate it. The split isn't quite as extreme as it is for All-Star Batman, but it's still fairly pronounced. I'm in the Love camp with All-Star, but I haven't read Morrison's Batman yet and I'm getting kinda curious as to which camp I'd fall into. Not curious enough to buy it, mind you - just curious enough to state that I'm curious.

Anonymous said...

Geoff - If, say, West Wing or Sports Night had entered the world as high-quality comics instead of as high-quality shows, would you have bought them?

Marc Caputo said...

Shameless plug - I've got a few new posts this week over at my blog
I took a look at some of the books that don't get talked about much (as far as I can see), threw my hat in the ring on the Morrison Batman discussion and had a counterpoint to what Geoff said about the last two pages of The Order. Also, I spoke a bit about Fantagraphics Books and my love of them over the last 25 years. Posters invited to comment.

Geoff Klock said...

JP: your topic is funnier than Laurie's but the absurdity of Laurie following his rhyme scheme gets me every time.

NU: ?

Anon: you bioshock people are making me wish I played video games.

Troy: I do not know how to answer your question about Sorkin. There is a good chance I never would have found them in the first place, I suppose, unless someone hit me over the head about it. I tend not to try new people without being hit over the head with sentences like "If you like X you will love Y" which is the only way to get me to do new stuff.

Thanks Marc -- about your review of the order, aren't you forgetting the possibility that she made the video after she joined the team so there was nothing to find veting her?

James said...

As much as I trust Whedon('s Astonishing X-Men), if Cyclops really is dead then I won't be able to help being annoyed at them killing off a character that was only ressurected in time for Morrison's run. I can think of two reasons why he'd do it, though. First, to canonize his awesome Cyclops, before the next guy comes along and writes him as an uptight jerk again. Second, and more probably, to canonize the Scott/Emma relationship, before the next guy comes along and writes them breaking up because she really WAS evil all along mwahaha. This is backed up by Scott's last memories, which boldly place Scott/Emma as his true adult relationship, and Scott/Jean as an adolescent one.

Geoff Klock said...

James: that is a great point about the arrangement of Scott's memories. I don't think they are going to kill him though. There is a line in the issue where Emma tells Danger that no one ever dies, and I think that is setting up however he will return from the dead. Is it possible that Jean will return to resurrect him or take his place? I always imagined that Whedon would bring back Jean by the end of his run, but maybe I am crazy. It has been 52 issues since her death.

Marc Caputo said...

Actually, I had thought of that but that won't work for me. She gets this job, but then goes out and makes a porn vid? I mean, I'm sure Fraction can make it work, but it'll be a stretch.

James said...

Geoff: I hope you're right. Cyclops doing beams sans-visor in his X-jacket is something I NEED to see.

Marc: I don't think it's a stretch that the video would make it past even a S.H.I.E.L.D. vetting process; we're talking about a couple filming themselves having sex, and then the boyfriend selling the footage once she's famous. What are S.H.I.E.L.D. doing, sending Shock Troops 'round to ex-boyfriends houses and asking them if they've any incriminating footage of potential team-members?

Anonymous said...

A quote some of you might like:

"No stalgia is good stalgia."
-Howard Chaykin

Marc Caputo said...

James: Well, people have compared Stark and friends to a certain goose-stepping bunch of National Socialists, so...
Anyway, it's probably not going to be that much of a big deal. It just hit me the wrong way. It's really Fraction's fault for giving us new twists instead of old cliches.

Matthew Brady said...

It's been a while since I plugged my blog here, but I did one or two things this week that I thought I would try to promote. First, I reviewed the latest collection of 100 Bullets, and it includes the updated version of my character chart for the series, in which I tried my best to show how all the recurring characters are related. I also reviewed a crazy collection of European comics called Honey Talks, and I would love to see what people think about what I thought, or what comments people have about the sort of weird Eurocomics that we don't see much of here in the US.

Kenney said...

Re: Sorkin's TWW or SN as a comic instead of a show. While Sorkin is a great writer, I think his stuff has become so much more potent thanks to the fantastic actors who have brought his words to life.

I don't think his work would be as compelling without that aspect of his shows.

Streeborama said...

I like Morrison's Batman because it has two great tastes that go together - fucking NINJA MANBATS.

That's reason enough to give any run on a book a chance.