Sunday, November 12, 2006

Free Form Comments

Comment on any topic in the comments thread for this post: anonymous criticisms, self-promotion, announcements, topic suggestions, whatever.


Anonymous said...

Geoff, I listened to one of the Comic Geek Speak podcasts you contributed to while ago and in it you suggested to them that it might be an idea to have a Seven Soldiers special when the series finished. I just wondered if you'd heard anything from them about doing anything?

Geoff Klock said...

We have been talking about it; those guys are pretty busy now, but at some point I expect I will be on a show entirely devoted to Seven Soldiers -- it's one of the reasons I have avoided talking about it here.

Geoff Klock said...

I have added people to the Blog list and fixed broken links.

neilshyminsky said...

Could I also be added to the Blog list, Geoff? :)

Geoff Klock said...

Neil: sure you can. I will get on it shortly.

Anonymous said...

Hey Geoff, your appearances on CGS have been among the highlights of that podcast, as far as I'm concerned. Looking forward to an in-depth commentary on Seven Soldiers.

Anonymous said...

Who here thinks that Geoff should start his own podcast?

Anonymous said...

Here, here Brad.

Anonymous said...

Great idea, Brad.

Geoff Klock said...

Brad, Mitch and Troy -- I can barely wrap my head around, and find time for, the blog, but I will look into it. Perhaps just some short (20m) audio clips on the blog once a week...