Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Hugh Laurie's "Mystery" (Commonplace Book)

The commonplace book is supposed to be a collection of good quotes. But I can use it for cool YouTube clips as well. Here is one of doofy British comedian Hugh Laurie -- who many Americans know only as Dr. House -- performing a song of his own composition on his sketch comedy show A Bit of Fry and Laurie. The genius of the song is how the unremitting rhyme scheme generates all the best lines.


Anonymous said...

I think it's just called a "A Bit of Fry and Laurie." No "Little."

I've not found myself to be a fan of these songs. (I watched a few on YouTube a while back.) Laurie's work on "House" strikes me as being a bit more nuanced and less -- I don't know -- goofy, I guess?

Or maybe I'm just jealous of Laurie's success, since I've dabbled in the "funny song" medium myself. (Geoff, I hereby invite you and anybody here to listen to some of my dabblings at myspace.com/jasonpowelloceandoot. Actually only one of the four songs up there now is an attempt at comedy, but they all attempt to be lyrically "clever.")

Geoff Klock said...

You are right about the title of course -- I fixed it. Thanks.