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Wednesday, May 14, 2008
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Hard Candy starring Ellen Page and Patrick Wilson is insanely uncomfortable to watch. Very effective. Good film, but just horrific.
Sympathies shift and realign themselves every five minutes, depending on which character has the dominance in the scene.
Having just seen the film ONCE tonight for the first time: I loved it. Beautiful music, a simple shooting style, and characters that behaved like normal, rational adults... Amazing.
I was struck with sadness to find, as far as I understand, that last week's episode of 30 Rock is the last of the season.
That last episode was brilliant.
"Caps ... nothing but caps."
I guess last week's 30 Rock sort of had a season finale feel. Liz's wants to adopt a kid and Jack is going to help her, so that'll probably be a major plot thread for Season Three. I laughed so hard after Brodrick spilt the "Gay Gas" going for the pens, and Jack turned to him and said, "Let's do this."
BTW, for any interested BSG fans, I wrote up a piece on my blog comparing the 12 Cylons to the Greek gods.
Dear Customer,
We've noticed that customers who have purchased or rated books by Geoff, Klock have also purchased On Guerrilla Gardening: A Handbook for Gardening Without Boundaries by Richard Reynolds. For this reason, you might like to know that On Guerrilla Gardening: A Handbook for Gardening Without Boundaries will be released on May 27, 2008. You can pre-order yours at a savings of $8.84...
"Guerilla Gardening" is a typo. It should read "Gorilla Grodd."
Since people are posting about movies, thought I'd mention I finally saw Iron Man. I thought it was entertaining and the story pretty much hung together, but ... I don't know. It was just *so* predictable. And this is speaking as someone who doesn't generally think about what's coming. I just tend to let movies wash over me and not try to second-guess. But in this case every turn was SO broadly telegraphed, I couldn't help but start thinking, every other scene, "Ah, I see where THIS is going ..."
VoE -- not yet. Soon.
Christian -- do you want to review it for us proper?
Stefan Delatovic -- I actually did not watch the last episode of 30 Rock because I have not loved the second season. Maybe I should just finish it out...
Paul -- thanks. I am finishing season one of BSG now.
J Liang: HILARIOUS. Who is this crazy person that caused Amazon to do that?
I'd love to, but really, I'd probably only scraping the surface. If I can find the time (I garantee nothing), I'll give you a somewhat quick little review of it (everything from the horrific demasculizing scene of one of the protagonists to the fact that the colors turn dark, when one of them gets angry etc.)
I really feel bad about not being able to contribute more, but either I doubt my ability or I simply don't have the time. I'll definitely look into it.
Hard Candy: a pretty good little horror/suspense movie. I dug it.
Once: a beautiful, moving "musical" about two people and their relationship. That scene in the music store when they sang "Falling Slowly" brought tears to my eyes.
30 Rock: Wha?! You don't like this season? I could admit to the possibility that it hasn't completely reached the heights of some of the best season 1 episodes, but it's been solidly hilarious every time around. That Amadeus spoof with Chris Parnell reprising his Dr. Spaceman role was so funny, as was the episode where the guy from Cleveland showed up again, or Liz's ex-boyfriend became a local hero. Man, I love that show.
Geoff, have you seen Charlie Wilson's War? I don't remember you mentioning it, but I know you're a fan of Aaron Sorkin, so I figured you wouldn't miss it. I watched it last night, and I found it fascinating, funny, and intelligent. I'm surprised it didn't get more attention, because it was a pretty damn good movie. And while I'm not a Sorkin expert (I barely watched any of The West Wing), it seemed like his classic style, with a lot of fast, entertaining dialogue full of political details and lots of information. I loved the bit where they managed to convince Israel, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan to team up to supply weapons to Afghanistan. Tom Hanks and Philip Seymour Hoffman were quite good, and Julia Roberts' role was kept to a minimum, so good times all around.
kickin' ass and takin names...BOO YAH!!!!!
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